Psychic Life
Life as a professional psychic might be the obvious title here but I think this blog is going to become so much more.

September 2016
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There’s Diamonds In There!
Filed under: General
Posted by: @ 10:36 am

Guilt is a really tough emotion to understand. It eats at us with such horrifying ferociousness, devouring our sense of self from the inside out. One might wonder what life would be like if people never felt guilt. I believe it would be frightening and chaotic, dangerous and imbalanced. I believe that societal morals, personal responsibility and conscience are the ribbons that tie successful cohabitation together.

I see guilt as the ultimate teacher. Standing before us in this classroom of life ready to teach us until we learn. Never failing to instruct us forward. The trick of learning guilt’s lessons is to eventually be able to successfully identify what would cause guilt in advance of the decision whether to do something or not. If we do not learn to release and process the lessons of guilt it sits inside us, slowly destroying our inner peace. Built up guilt can make us terribly ill. We need to turn inward and dig guilt out from inside our soul, face it, make amends for it, resolve it and/or learn from it. Left unattended guilt will cause issues and problems unceasingly in ways you might never guess. Unresolved guilt can cause sleep issues, depression, self-destructive patterns, fear, anger, nervousness, anxiety and more.

If you are brave and if you are willing to take full responsibility for all of you actions, there is a surprise inside of guilt many do not know is there. Like a geode full of crystals that cannot be seen from the rock-like looking exterior. If you bravely pull those guilt stones out and start whacking at them with honesty, clarity and a strong willingness to learn and expand, eventually that guilt will break open and shower you with diamonds of strength, self-love and wisdom.

After a mastery of this, you will find there is a natural shift that happens. You learn to gather the diamonds of guilt before doing something that would cause guilt. Image a hand full of jewels you did not have to work for spilling over in your life. You get the confident confirmation that you are making the right choice out of love of yourself. Mastering the ability to avoid internal conflict is the skill guilt is trying to teach us. Don’t hide or run away from those lessons. Once you understand it, you no longer fear it or hide it.

If you have any heavy stones of guilt that you have been drudging around inside your heart, dig those suckers out and get cracking at them. Gather the diamonds of those lessons and become richer for it. Proudly wear those jewels in your life.